We believe it is possible to create a real estate company that serves the whole

Real estate is at the heart of the largest challenges our society is facing – from climate change to urban inequality.


We believe it is possible for the real estate sector to operate in balance with the interest of people and the planet, and have founded Home.Earth to be a pathfinder on this journey.

of energy-related CO2 emissions come from buildings

Real estate and the urban environment have a profound impact on all of us

We spend 90% of our lives inside buildings. And by 2050 almost 70% of us will live in cities. 


Cities enable life, community and culture. But at the same time, they are associated with loneliness and health issues. Buildings count for 39% of global CO2 emissions. Housing is the biggest living expense for most people. And nowhere is growing inequality more visible than in how we live. 


To overcome the challenges of population growth, climate change, rising inequality and social unrest, we need to develop conscious and responsible business models. Business models that are fully market-based, but with built priority for all stakeholders and with lasting impact. 


We are a European real estate company setting out to develop properties and urban communities in urban areas with inclusivity, liveability and sustainability at its core. We do not have all the answers yet, but we aspire to join forces with likeminded investors and partners – and we are a team with the motivation, experience and ambition to be a pathfinder on this journey.

The urban population continues to grow

And much faster than many of us realize. In just 30 years, we need to make room for an additional 2.3 billion people worldwide. That means building 10 additional cities the size of London - each year. 

This presents a generational challenge – not least when considering the social and environmental implications of real estate development. Urban growth is already putting our cities under pressure, and its effects are are evident. Our neighbourhoods segregate, losing the diversity and vibrancy that make them great to live in. In short, we need to find a way to develop our cities in a people and planet positive way.

Our planet cannot sustain the way we build

The real estate and construction sector accounts for approximately 39% of global energy-related CO2 emissions and about 35% of the world’s waste. Furthermore, building materials used today, which require large amounts of resources to manufacture, are rarely reused or recycled. Consequently, the real estate industry bears a significant responsibility in the journey towards achieving a net zero society.

Furthermore, to improve the social and environmental impact of the entire built environment, we need to reach beyond our own portfolio of projects.  


For that reason, we initiate research projects that will bring value to the entire real estate sector. To maximise the impact, we will make the results freely available for all. These projects take place in collaboration with leading institutions and are funded by philanthropic grants.

We need new solutions in the built environment

Nowhere is inequality more evident than in where we live. We know that housing is a vehicle for equality, dignity, safety and stability, yet more and more people lack an adequate home. 

Housing costs have outgrown income across European cities for decades. This increasingly leaves low- and middle-income families with the choice between deteriorating living conditions or being squeezed out of the cities they love.