March 18, 2024

Home.Earth goes B Corp

We are B Corp certified and proud to join a global movement of businesses working to build a more inclusive and equitable economic system.

As a real estate developer with a mission to improve the impact of real estate. We are proud to have joined a global movement of businesses working to use the power of business to build a more inclusive and equitable economic system. As a B Corporation, we strive to show a way forward for how urban development can be used to address climate change and the rising inequality.  

What is a B Corporation?

Certified B Corporations are part of a global movement of people using business as a force for good. They commit to meeting high standards of social and environmental performance. There are more than 6000 Certified B Corporations in over 80 countries spanning 150 industries. To become certified, a company must undergo the B Impact Assessment, which assesses the overall impact of the company on the environment, the community, its workers, and suppliers. Further, the company must make a legal commitment through their governance structure that ensures accountability to all stakeholders, and not only shareholders. The company must achieve a minimum impact score of 80 out of 200 and pass the B Corp risk review.

Click the image to see our B Corp Profile

Why it matters

Only a few property developers are B Corp certified, which is why we perceive our certification to be a step in the right direction for how to develop urban communities to high environmental and social standards. We hope to inspire many more from the built environment to join the movement so that we collectively can shift the impact of real estate while building healthy homes and thriving communities.  

The process to become certified is rigorous and thorough, but worth it. It holds great value to us as it reflects a trust in our promise to residents, investors, municipalities, partners, industry, and our employees, that Home.Earth is committed. The process has been a learning experience about the complexity, limits, and potential to build people and planet positive homes and we are proud of our score coming in at 103.5 points.

Why Home.Earth was certified

To be certified as a B Corporation, a company is required to take measures to balance purpose and profit in the industry they operate in. In Home.Earth, this is safeguarded through our governance structure, where an independent foundation is established to ensure that all of our business activities are in line with our purpose. Furthermore, Home.Earth’s certification is based on our attention to employees and our work with social and environmental sustainability.

Social sustainability – a new tenant paradigm of trust, participation, and value sharing

We work to develop communities and a personal tenant experience by managing operations in-house. Through personalized onboarding of tenants, we align tenants with the mission of Home.Earth and strive to build trust-based relations. To address inequalities in real-estate, we remove or minimize deposits and pre-paid rent. And we are working on introducing a ‘third way’ on the housing market between owner-occupied and rental housing. A model where the profit and value appreciations of our properties can be shared with the residents. This enables that future value increases on the housing market can benefit more people.   

Environmental sustainability – transition to more sustainable construction

To mitigate the environmental impact of real estate, we work to improve the way we design and build. Instead of approaching each building as a unique project, we see a building as a product that can be developed using repetition and standardization. We introduce a new scalable building delivery system, whereby we can increase efficiency, minimize waste, and keep construction costs below market level - thereby supporting our capacity to deliver affordable homes. 

We always choose our materials based on sustainability and health, with the ambition to keep the footprint of each building as low as possible. Our first development project Nærheden in Greater Copenhagen is projected to have a carbon footprint below 6kg/m2/year. It currently looks like it will become the multi-story residential building with the lowest carbon footprint in Denmark.

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March 18, 2024

Home.Earth goes B Corp

We are B Corp certified and proud to join a global movement of businesses working to build a more inclusive and equitable economic system.

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