Pushing innovation in the real estate sector to unlock value

3000 years of innovation:

The real estate and construction sectors are held back by an under-investment in innovation. Short-term focus and fragmented value chains prevent the improvement of efficiency. 


The lack of innovation has also resulted in an industry that is now responsible for 39% of global energy-related CO2 emissions and more than 35% of our waste. Changing the way we build provides a tremendous opportunity to drastically limit the environmental impact and improve the productivity of the construction sector at the same time.

We're a knowledge company enabled by partnerships

With a strong network of partners, we are creating new technologies that will enable us to improve the performance of our industry. 


Along all axes, we are moving the needle. We create calculation tools that measure the environmental impact of real estate far beyond any method currently available. We create building methods for fully circular buildings with extremely low CO2 footprints. 


And because we will keep our buildings for the long term, we implement long-term strategies on how we design, maintain and operate our properties efficiently with optimal comfort for our tenants and minimal environmental impact.

A Building Delivery System that will enhance the way we build

We do things differently by not designing each building as a unique one-off. Also, we include technical installations and building maintenance from the start of the design process to improve the construction and use of the building.  

We have created a set of standardized building elements that will allow our architects to design a wide variety of buildings with excellent architectural quality. By using off-site construction technologies, we will be able to make efficient buildings with a low climate footprint while providing tenants with a more affordable and comfortable place to live.  

A Building Delivery System that supports architecture

In our building system, we combine different off-site construction technologies to provide our architects flexibility in designing to the local urban fabric while creating high quality buildings.  

We use a columns & beam systems on the ground floor to create flexible open spaces for shops and communal areas.  

We use volumetric elements that contain all the complex and labour-intensive areas in our buildings to de-risk construction and ensure a high-quality and fast delivery schedule.  

Panelized elements provide flexibility in the building volume and help us create façade variation.

A tech-enabled process

Digitalisation is a critical enabler for all we do. Our architects are supported by tailored software to generate and validate many building layouts in a short amount of time. A predetermined apartment catalogue helps them quickly and precisely configure building volumes and optimise them for efficiency, costs, carbon emissions, circularity, energy use and many other things.  

The digital models are linked to the off-site products of our supply chain partners, who play a crucial role in our development process and are involved in all stages of our projects.

Our open-source innovation projects

To improve the social and environmental impact of the entire built environment, we need to reach beyond our own portfolio of projects. 


For that reason, we initiate research projects that will bring value to the entire real estate sector. To maximise the impact, we will make the results freely available for all. These projects take place in collaboration with leading institutions and are funded by philanthropic grants. 

Bridge the gap

To accelerate the transition from traditional construction towards circular and CO2-saving building methods, we will create a public database and website where off-site building systems in the European market can be found and compared with clear instructions about how to use them.


The project is a collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark and the Delft Technical University in the Netherlands and is funded by a generous grant from the Aase and Ejnar Danielsens Foundation.

The Doughnut for Urban Development

Based on the Doughnut Economy principles by economist Kate Raworth, which defines the social foundation and planetary boundaries of sustainable economic development, this project defines the impact of these boundaries at an urban development level. 


The result will be a set of practical calculation tools for the real estate sector to help develop projects that provide sustainable communities with respect for the planetary boundaries.


The project is a collaboration with the Doughnut Economics Action Lab, the Stockholm Resilience Centre, BUILD, Sweco, EFFEKT, Vandkunsten, SLA, and the Danish Green Building Council, and is funded by a grant from Realdania. The first publication from the project is launched in June 2023.

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Circular Construction for Urban Development

Based on the theory of the Circular Economy developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the book explores the synergies between circularity and industrialized construction.

Circular Construction for Urban Development introduces principles, methods and tools. These include principles such as design for disassembly, material and building passports and circular business models, along with a new perspective on circular life cycle assessment. The tools presented help measuring the degree of circular construction and translating planetary boundaries into concrete targets for individual buildings.

The project is a collaboration with Aalborg University - BUILD, EFFEKT, Sweco and Vandkunsten, and is funded by Realdania. The book is first published in June 2024.

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Circular Biogenic Building System

Circular Biogenic Building System is a project collaboration between Home.Earth and leading companies from the construction value chain in Denmark. The project was initiated in the spring of 2024, and in the coming years, we will work together to find circular and biogenic solutions that can optimise Home.Earth's Building Delivery System.  

The objectives of the project collaboration are to: Reduce the climate footprint to 4 kg CO2-eq/m²/year by increasing the use of biogenic and upcycled materials. Increase circularity to 90% by promoting the use of design for disassembly, material passports, and take-back schemes. Demonstrate the solutions in connection with the realisation of a larger building within the next few years. Establish a full circular value chain in Danish construction.  

The value chain collaboration is supported by the EU and the Danish Board of Business Development.

Meet the team driving innovation

We are a group of experienced specialists with complementary backgrounds. Our expertise ranges from real estate investments to urban development, architecture, sustainability, manufacturing and construction.

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